Friday, March 23, 2012

The High Cost of Anger

This is a series that we are going over in my bible study class, and this lesson came right on time. Ephesians 4:26 says "Be ye angry and sin not! Do not let the sun go down upon your wrath." We often become so angry that it completely consumes us. I know it consumed me! It takes me so long to recover after being upset, this is why I try to avoid confrontation. After a failed relationship it is natural to feel some anger, it is how we respond to the anger. After I got off of the phone with my ex after our last argument, I took my phone and threw it and it powered off and never came back on again. Since I couldn't control my anger, I ended up having to go without a phone for the rest of the day, needless to wasn't worth it.

I began to realize that I was allowing my anger to ruin my relationship with GOD. There was such a disconnect, that I found myself unable to pray, unable to tithe, not willing to fellowship and that is NOT me! Now when I react to something I try to react with a conscious and clear mind. When people see me, they should see Jesus. I don't want to be a poor representative for GOD and I surely don't want to make him look bad.

I would like to share a quote from Pastor Chuck Swindoll..."Lord, I am willing, to receive what you give; to lack what you withhold; to relinquish what you take; to suffer what you inflict; to be what you require. And, Lord, if others are to be your messengers to me, I am willing to hear and heed what they have to say."Amen.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blank Stare

Have you ever wanted something so badly and GOD was like...ummmm NO! That is how I feel in regards to my last relationship. I was good for like the first week after our separation, now I'm just like really??? Is it really that easy to walk away from someone that you have been with for 4 years? When I see his disposition it seems like he is better off without me...he is a better person in my absence. Now I am sitting here so confused because I honestly don't get why it took 4 years for me to be back where I started.

It is so disheartening to give it your best and your best is just not good enough. I want to move forward, but I really don't know how. Guys irritate me now, I gave my number to a guy that I was curious about, and our conversation was awkward, I definetely will not be doing that again.  I have been throwing myself into books, because at least during the time that I am reading, I am not thinking about how much it hurts.

But lets face it, single life sucks!! But I guess I better get used to it because it is about to become a lifestyle for me. Stay tuned everyone, this will be interesting, I'm sure.

If we didn't know how to do anything else, we knew how to have fun.